About Me

Hello, thanks for visiting my website. My name’s Jen, I have a huge passion for women’s health and fitness. I specialise in strength training, nutrition, & fat loss.

Currently I’m working towards becoming a Menopause Coaching Specialist to further my skills and knowledge to better support women through the power of exercise, nutrition, and a healthy lifestyle.

I want to help you feel better and live happier!

Working on your health and fitness is far more than just looking in better shape.

I understand building a relationship with your coach is important so here’s a little about my life outside Embrace Fitness. I am usually with my camera, running or climbing. I love adventure and exploring new places in the world. Feel free to check out my current adventures and give me a follow.

Jen Hadwin: Personal Trainer in Carlisle


  • Personal Trainer Level 3
  • Circuit Trainer
  • Complete Kettlebell Trainer
  • Effective Core Training
  • Functional Fitness
  • Nutrition Weight Management
  • Nutrition For Sports and Exercise
  • Pre and Postnatal- Exercise + Nutrition
  • Exercise Referral for Health Management
  • Behaviour Change Coaching

Currently Studying/On Going:

  • Precision Nutrition Level 1 Coach
  • Menopause Coaching Specialist
Future Fit Training